Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the joy of knitting

Check it out, bloggers: Stitch Princess can knit!!!! This is a photo of a lace trim I am making for a crocheted purse of the same yarn.

My oldest sister came up to Indiana (from Texas) for Christmas. She knits frequently, and is part of a knitting club. And she taught me!

I am discovering that knitting is so much fun! But, I'm torn. Which is better: knitting or crocheting? I like both.

In my loads of spare time, I plan to do some of each, to decide which I prefer. Or, perhaps I will just keep up on both :)

I took a J-term class this year (2 weeks of one class before the semester began). I actually did have free time then. So, what did I do with my free time? I made scarves for my roommate and suitemates! Now, I'm making a trim for a purse, as pictured above.

I just love knitting!

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